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Betty Kirabo’s inspiring letter: A life like a miracle.

Dear friendsI hope you are doing well. I am in transit to Uganda, but I would like to pass on to you in advance a touching letter that has just reached me. Its author, Betty Kirabo, is an extraordinary woman. She recently came of age and writes poetry and short stories. She is involved in charitable work, fights for young women, for equal opportunities and rarely minces her words. And: she compares her life to a miracle. But it’s best to read her letter for yourself. It is not only addressed to me, but also to you and to the whole, big Kids of Africa family.

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Cycles of life

Dear friendsSometimes life goes round in circles. We are given a lot at the beginning. Love, education, family. Later, we stand on our own two feet. Then we give back – to our children, our family or to others. And often, when we pass something on, it also goes full circle.This actually also describes the story of Kids of Africa. Ronald, one of our oldest protégés, knows this. Today he is a successful designer and artist, stands on his own two feet and is an inspiration to many. The following lines and illustrations were written entirely by him. See for yourself the impact of your help....

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Happy 2024!

Dear friends A new year is like a blank sheet of paper. We want to use it for many good things. So that we can look back with joy at the end. A good word every day. Maintain friendships. Be a role model. Modesty, diligence and commitment. Health. Help. It can’t hurt to start with resolutions like these. Even if many things turn out differently in the end.

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Merry Christmas

Dear friendsWe wish you rest, peace and the blessing of love during the holidays and in the coming year. I would like to use a small selection of images to illustrate how your help is making a difference. How we give children confidence and later create opportunities for jobs, progress and peace. That too is like a Christmas story.

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Small effort, big impact

Dear friends When we help, it never just benefits individuals, but always society as a whole. We call this “turning one shilling into two”. For example, when we prevent illiteracy. Strengthening self-confidence and practical skills. Avoiding crises. We make the biggest difference when we start with the poorest of the poor. Where no one else helps. In a spirit of humility and solidarity. Because people make society. That’s obvious. Where else should social development begin?

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How your help helps people

Liebe Freunde «Kein Mensch ist eine Insel». So heisst eines meiner liebsten Gedichte des englischen Denkers und Dichter John Donne (1572-1631). Das Gedicht erinnert uns nicht nur an unsere Pflicht zur Solidarität, sondern es ist auch ein Weckruf. «Frag nicht, für wen die Glocken läuten. Sie läuten für Dich» heisst es etwas später. Genau darum geht es. Lassen Sie mich illustrieren, wie unsere Arbeit Kreise zieht. Wie sie Familien hilft, aus dem Dunkel wieder ans Licht zu kommen. Wie Sie ganz konkret die Welt verändern.

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Help that draws circles

Dear friends For years, we have been experiencing how your help is making a difference. What you do for our protégés also benefits others. For example, their teachers. Friends, relatives and neighbours. Society as a whole. In this way, your help multiplies. Not only does it reach 100 per cent, but it also reverberates. That is also part of sustainability. This week I want to tell you about Norah and Bob. And about Mary and Julius. And about what they mean to others.

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Because we believe in them!

Dear friends,Do you know Reinhold Niebuhr’s (1892-1971) well-known serenity-prayer? “Give me the serenity to accept things I can’t change,the courage to change things that I can change andthe wisdom to distinguish one from the other.” That’s what it’s all about.

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Kids of Africa guarantees that one hundred per cent of every franc donated reaches our many protégés.

Because we believe in each of them! Thank you for your help!

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Kids of Africa - Association
Schiffbaustrasse 12
8005 Zurich

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Kids of Africa - Association
Schiffbaustrasse 12
8005 Zurich

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