Cycles of life

Dear friends
Sometimes life goes round in circles. We are given a lot at the beginning. Love, education, family. Later, we stand on our own two feet. Then we give back – to our children, our family or to others. And often, when we pass something on, it also goes full circle.
This actually also describes the story of Kids of Africa. Ronald, one of our oldest protégés, knows this. Today he is a successful designer and artist, stands on his own two feet and is an inspiration to many. The following lines and illustrations were written entirely by him. See for yourself the impact of your help. It pays to draw circles.
Yours sincerely, Burkhard Varnholt

You know what they say, life is a circle. You start from nothing, you work hard, you make it big, and then you give back. That’s how you create circles. Circles of success, circles of influence, circles of love.
But you can’t do it alone. You need help. Help from your family, your friends, your fans, your mentors, your partners. Help is like a stone thrown into water – it creates ripple-effects. It spreads out, it reaches others, it makes waves.

You see, when you help someone, you’re not just helping them. You’re helping yourself. You’re helping the world. You’re creating a positive energy that flows through everything. You’re making a difference. You’re making history.

That’s why I’m always grateful for the help I’ve received. From my idols, who taught me to believe in myself. From Nevio and Abryanz, who gave me a chance to shine. From Kids of Africa, who stood by me through thick and thin. From God, who blessed me with talent and vision.
And that’s why I’m always helping others. From my artists, who I mentor and support. From my people, who I inspire and entertain. From my kids, who I love and educate.

I’m not saying I’m perfect. I’m not saying I’m a saint. I’m just saying I’m a circle-maker. I’m a ripple-creator. I’m a wave-maker. I’m a history-maker.
And so are you.

You have the power to create circles. You have the power to help others. You have the power to change the world. You just have to use it.
Throw your stone into the water. Create your ripple-effects. Make your waves.
Create your circles.
Best wishes from Kids of Africa!