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Strengthening the community by involving the local population

Thanks to our projects, more families can afford to send their children to school. This starts with the fact that the parents can work while their child attends school. As a result, the family has more income and can use it to buy food and clothes. Ideally, the family will be able to send more children to school thanks to the higher income.

Read the case study about our scholarship programme in Uganda.

In his study on the Kids of Africa scholarship programme, Valentin Varnholt shows the importance of education in Africa.

An analysis of almost one thousand scholarships for Ugandan pupils, which were awarded after the two-year school closures in Uganda, poses the question of whether the scholarships have a lasting effect.

Varnholt’s work confirms the considerable personal and social benefits that the unexpected scholarships have brought to the recipients, their families and their schools.

20 years old

“When I finish school, I want to give something back to Ugandan society. This scholarship is a privilege, but also a responsibility. I want to dedicate my work to God and my country.”

11 years old

“My mum used to sell our cows or our property to pay my school fees, but now she has enough money for my siblings again. I no longer feel guilty for making my mum’s life difficult.”

24 years old

“I’m no longer the hopeless person who stayed on the floor for four years. I’m now a student with a vision for my future.”

    How we help the children in Uganda

    Our aid projects

    With the idea of “helping people to help themselves”, we are supporting an entire community with our projects in Uganda.

    Children’s village in Kampala, Uganda

    Home for over 100 orphans in Uganda.

    To the project


    Support for 1,000 children in 61 schools.

    To the project

    Schools in Uganda

    Construction and maintenance of 3 own schools.

    To the project

    Vocational school

    Hotel management school and forestry farm.

    To the project

    Flying Teachers

    How we fought the Covid-19 education emergency.

    To the project

    Medical Days

    150 doctors and 6,000 patients.

    To the project


    Daily treatment of fresh water.

    To the project

    Kids of Africa guarantees that one hundred per cent of every franc donated reaches our many protégés.

    Because we believe in each of them! Thank you for your help!

    Voices from the village, straight to your inbox.

    Union Dental
    Address in Switzerland

    Kids of Africa - Association
    Schiffbaustrasse 12
    8005 Zurich

    Address in Switzerland

    Kids of Africa - Association
    Schiffbaustrasse 12
    8005 Zurich

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