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Our principles

Our approach is based on simple principles. This is important to us and sets us apart from other social projects.


A caring family is the best chance for children to develop self-confidence and life skills.


Sport is important to us because it connects people, promotes fair play and integration. And because it spurs us on to set our goals higher and push our own boundaries.


The dignity of every person is at the centre of everything we do. That is why helping people to help themselves is our credo.


Everyone who works with Kids of Africa makes a contribution according to their own abilities. Because success through your own efforts is contagious!


Our help arrives directly. As an organisation, we do not have a paid structure in Switzerland. We carry out all our work in Switzerland free of charge. And we are committed to ensuring that 100% of our donations are used for aid work on the ground.


Poverty traps can only be broken in the long term. That is why we implement this principle everywhere: in the organisation, in training and in our work.

Help on site

We do not support international adoptions or emigration. Our help is provided locally. This is not only more cost-effective, but also allows us to multiply our help in Uganda.

Non-denominational and politically independent

Our village is a good example of the peaceful coexistence of different religions. We are independent of political or religious influences.

Kids of Africa guarantees that one hundred per cent of every franc donated reaches our many protégés.

Because we believe in each of them! Thank you for your help!

Voices from the village, straight to your inbox.

Union Dental
Address in Switzerland

Kids of Africa - Association
Schiffbaustrasse 12
8005 Zurich

Address in Switzerland

Kids of Africa - Association
Schiffbaustrasse 12
8005 Zurich

Social Media